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Phylum Porifera, Diagram of phylum Porifera or Sponges, Canal system of Phylum Porifera

Diagram of Sponges & Terms related in the study of sponges

  • All the diagram of the songes and their canal system are listed below by giving numbering list.
  • BIology is not hard still people can understand this as remembering their terms and as and apply them in the remembering time.

1. Diagram of Asconoid type of Sponges

Diagram of Asconoid type of  canal system, Diagram of sponges, Sponge Pic

1. Diagram of Syconoid Type of Sponges [For Note 
Click Here]

Diagram of Syconoid type of canal system Porifera, Diagram of Sponge/ Porifera

Fig 2. Diagram of Syconoid type of canal system

Diagramatic  Represetation of the difference between Asconoid and Syconoid type of sponges/porifera, Difference between asconoid and syconoid type of sponges/porifera

Fig 3. Diagram Represet the difference between Asconoid and Syconoid type of sponges

3. Diagram of Leuconoid type of Spnges/Porifera [For notes Click Here]

Diagram of Leuconoid type of Canal System in sponges/porifera, Diagram of sponge/porifera

Fig4. Diagram of Leuconoid type of Canal System

Fig 5. Diagram of three different type of canal system of leuconoid type of canal system

4. Rhagon Type of canal system of Sponges/Porifera [ For Nots Click Here]

Diagram of Rhagon type of canal system, Diagram of Sponges/Porifera

Diagram of Rhagon type of canal system, Diagram of Sponges/Porifera

Important terms used in sponges/Porifera

  1. Porifera - Porifera is a multicellular organism composed of a group of cells but not as a tissue or organ level of organization.
  2. Canal System - It is a type of body system in sponges as like reproductive system, respiratory system in humans, which helps in the all necessary function of the sponges as respiration, reproduction, nutrition, Excretion etc..
  3. Ostia -  It is a dermal pore present outside of the body of sponge and helps in taking of water.
  4. Osculum Osculum is the biggest pore on the body which release water outside (excretion).
  5. Incurrent pores It is a pore that connects the Ostia with spogocoel (Asconoid).
  6. Incurrent Canal Incurrent Canal is the outer space present between  two adjacent foldings of body wall here water comes after the entering from Ostia in leuconoid type of songes.
  7. Prosopyle Prosopyle is a pore that connects Incurrent canal with the radial canal in syconoid type of sponges whereas in leuconoid type of sponges it connects incurrent canal with the Flagillated chamber.
  8. Redial Canal Redial canal is a canal present on the body wall of the sponge which helps to collect water and release them into the spongocoel through apopyle in syconoid type of sponges while in leuconoid type of sponges it release water into the exterior canal.
  9. Apopyle It a pore-like structure which connects the redial canal with spongocoel in syconoid type of sponges but in leuconoid type it connects radoal canal with the exterior canal.
  10. Subdermal SpacesThe space present between the ectoderm and Incurrent canal.

  • Students which are interested to know about the Classification of Phylum Porifera click here to obtain.
  • Students need to know about the characters of Sponges/Porifera click here to obtain.
  • Students need to know about the different type of canal system of the sponges can read by click here to obtain.

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